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Using A.I and Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammal Conservation 

Coming Soon


Hydrophone Stations Monitored


Hours of Data Processed


Marine Mammal Call Detections

Blurry Blue

Collecting Open Hydrophone Data

We continuously gather data from open hydrophone networks worldwide, collecting underwater sound recordings in real-time. This data is converted into spectrograms to visualize sound frequencies over time, providing a clear representation of underwater acoustic environments and enabling further analysis of marine mammal calls and noise pollution.

Detecting Marine Mammal Calls and Ocean Noise Pollution Levels

Using advanced machine learning algorithms, we analyze spectrogram data to detect and classify marine mammal calls and identify sources of ocean noise pollution. These algorithms can differentiate between various species' calls and anthropogenic noises, providing detailed insights into marine life behavior and human impacts on the ocean.

Helping Policymakers, NGOs, and Intergovernmental Organizations

The analyzed data supports policymakers, NGOs, and intergovernmental organizations by offering critical insights into marine mammal movements and behavior. This information aids in developing effective conservation strategies, enforcing marine protection laws, and advocating for policies that mitigate the impacts of human activities on marine ecosystems.

Our Mission

At YOU-OCEANS, our mission is to safeguard marine mammal populations and preserve oceanic ecosystems through innovative technology and data-driven insights. By leveraging AI and crowdsourced hydrophone data, we aim to monitor and understand the impacts of human activities on marine life. Our goal is to provide actionable information to policymakers, NGOs, and intergovernmental organizations, empowering them to develop and implement effective conservation strategies. We are dedicated to fostering global collaboration and raising awareness about the importance of protecting our oceans for future generations.

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