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YOU-OCEANS is an organization dedicated to marine conservation. While governments and conservation efforts are often limited by national boundaries, marine mammals do not respect these borders. Partnering with institutions across the globe, YOU-OCEANS aims to protect marine life on an international scale. Our work would not be possible without the support of our partners and collaborators.



We thank RISE For The World for their support through The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fund for Strategic Innovation and the Rhodes Trust Horizon Fund. This grant, provided as part of the RISE Entrepreneurship Fund, has helped us launch YOU-OCEANS and take the first steps towards achieving our mission of protecting marine life through advanced technology and data-driven insights.

Hydrophone Stations


Thank you to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) for making their hydrophone data from Monterey Bay open source, and for their numerous notebooks and resources in the Pacific Sound project, which have greatly inspired our work.

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